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Final project of Computer Graphic  - Open GL

“Octopus” is the final project of the Computer Graphic class I took in the 2021 Fall semester. The code is written in OpenGL and javascript. It is meant to represent this mysterious and beautiful deep ocean creature, and its ability to change color, in an artistic way. It is also a call for people's attention to ocean environmental issues.

Special Thanks to Professor Perlin’s codebase and instruction through the semester.


1. Once open the page, the first page shows how I create the tentacle for the octopus using spline and sin wave movement


2. You can see the code of each section by navigating through the top bar, you can also interact with the code.


3. In the drop-down menu on the left of the top bar, you can go to the “Octopus” page

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Screen Shot 2022-01-02 at 4.50.54 PM.png

4. Once get into the “Octopus” page, you can see the code of each section by navigating through the top bar 

5. You can click the “INTERACT” button in the top bar to hide code 

6. Use “Space” on your keyboard to change the fragment shaders for the Octopus, there are 4 shades in total

7. Use “+” or “ - ” key on your keyboard to add / minus tentacle for the octopus  

Enjoy it

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